Projection, Association and Commissural Fibres

 Projection, Association and Commissural Fibres

        When a considerable number of fibres pass from a mass of grey matter in one part of the brain to another mass of grey matter in another part of the brain or spinal cord these are referred to as projection fibres. Fibres interconnecting different areas of the cerebral cortex or of the cerebellarcortex are called association fibres, while fibres connecting identical areas of the two halves of the brain are called commissural fibres.

        All fibres crossing from one side of the brain or spinal cord to the opposite side are not commissural. When fibres originating in a mass of grey matter in one half of the CNS end in some other mass of grey matter in the opposite half they are referred to as decussating fibres, and the sites where such crossings take place are referred to as decussations.