The Ovaries
The Ovaries
The ovaries produce ova for procreation and the hormones estrogen and progesterone
The ovaries are attached to the back of the broad ligaments within the peritoneal cavity
Anterior the ovaries and the broad ligaments
Posterior the ovaries and the intestines
Lateral the ovaries and the infundibulopelvicligaments and the side walls of the pelvis Superior the ovaries and the uterine tubes
Medial the ovaries lie between the uterus andthe ovarian ligament
The ovary is attached to the broad ligament but is supported from above by the ovarian ligament medially and the infundibulopelvic ligaments laterally.
The ovary is composed of a medulla and cortex covered with germinal epithelium
The Medulla. This is the supporting framework whichis made up of fibrous tissue; the ovarian blood vessels, lymphatics and nerve travels through it. The hilum where these vessels enter lies just where the ovary is attached to the broad ligament and this area is called the mesovarium.
The Cortex.This is the functioning part of the ovary. Itcontains the ovarian follicles in different stages of development, surrounded by stroma. The outer layer is formed of fibrous tissue known as the tunica albuginea . Over this lies the germinal epithelium, which is a modification of the peritoneum.
Blood Supply
The blood supply is from the ovarian arteries and drains by the ovarian veins. The right ovarian vein joins the inferior vena cava, but the left returns its blood to the left renal vein
Lymphatic drainage--This is to the lumbar glands Nerve supply--This is from the ovarian plexus