Study of the Stages of Mitosis from Permanent Slides


The teacher will place some permanent slides on the stage of compound microscope and ask the students to observe and identify the stages of mitosis.


1. Prophase: In this slide some chromosomes are seen.; The chromosomes arelong and scattered. No spindle fibre is seen. Therefore the stage is Prophase of Mitosis.


2. Pro-Metaphase: In this slide some chromosomes are seen. Spindleapparatus is also seen. The chromosomes are seemed to moving towards equatorial plane. The chromosomes are divided into chromatids. Therefore this is the Pro-Metaphase of Mitosis.


3. Metaphase: Some chromosomes are seen in this slide. Spindle apparatus isseen here. The chromosomes are situated on the equatorial zone. The chromosomes are divided into chromatids. Therefore this is the Metaphaseof Mitosis.


4. Anaphase: In this slide two sets of chromosomes are seen. Two sets arepresent near the two poles. Therefore it is the Anaphase of Mitosis.


5. Telophase: In this slide two sets of chromosomes are seen. Two sets ofchromosomes are present at two poles. No spindle apparatus is seen. Nuclear membrane is present surrounding the chromosomes in each pole. Therefore it is the Telophase of Mitosis.