Responsibility of man in maintaining balance of an environment

 The responsibility of man in maintaining balance of an environment: 

Starting from the producer up to the highest consumer there is a proportion of number of different tropical level in the ecosystem. Here the different processes of ecosystem are maintained nicely. It is called environmental balance. The relation between the inorganic and organic elements is very intimate in an ecosystem and the elements of an ecosystem maintain balance with each other. But different types of natural disasters, e.g. earthquake, tidal bore, draught etc. may destroy the balance. Besides these, man misuse natural resources for their own comforts. This affects the natural balance. For this reason there is a gulf of difference between the environment of ancient time and the present time.

Human beings are now facing two problems. The first one is the excessive population increase and food crisis. The second problem is the conservation of natural environment. Conservation of nature is one of the main steps to maintain the balance of the environment. In this way the components of environment can be saved. Climate, Solar energy, minerals, soil, plants, wildlife etc. are natural resources. Naturally very little of these resources decrease or being misused and nature herself always balance these. But soil, fresh water, forest, wildlife etc. are nature's perishable resources. Due to continuous use the quantity of these resources are becoming less. The goal of conservation is not to stop the use of these perishable resources and that is quite impossible. On the basis of knowledge from ecology, fresh water, soil, forest and wildlife can be conserved by definite plans. The main object of conservation is to use the natural resources by well planning to stop all types of misuse and dispotic use and in probable case revive the past condition.