Plylum - Sarcomastigophorea Kingdom - Protista
Plylum - Sarcomastigophorea Kingdom - Protista
Habit and habitat: The organisms of this phylum are cosmopolitent. Somemembers of these phyla are free living but some are colonial, some lives on damp and wet soil, many species lives in fresh water and marine water. Many members are external or internal parasite of plants or animals, such as (Amoeba) free-living organism of fresh water.
Identifying Characters:
a. Animals of this phylum are unicellular, mic~oscopic. All of functions are perforn1ed by the single cell.
b. They have no cell wall (outside the cell membrane); in the cytoplasm there is a centriole, one vacuole is present, no plastid.
c. They locomote with the help of pseudopodia:
d. They live singly or in colonies.
e. They are free living animals. Example: Amoeba proteus.
Kingdom Animalia:
Habit and habitat: Animals of this phylum are generally known as sponge.They are of different sizes, shape and colour. They are distributed worldwide. In adult stage they live under water. attached with some objects. They live in colonies. They look like a plant. Major members are marine but some live in fresh water.
Identifying Characters:
a) These are simplest multi-cellular animals.
b) There are many small pores or ostia in their bodies
c) Internal circulation is maintained by canal system.
d) There is no separate well-formed tissue, organ or system.
Example: Scypha gelatinosum(Marine sponge).spongilla fragilis(Fresh water sponge)