Minor Discomforts Associated With Menstruation

 Minor Discomforts Associated With Menstruation 

1.           Headache, bloating, largely brought about by relaxation of smooth muscle caused by progesterone.


2.           Heaviness of the lower abdomen and legs.


3.           Tenderness and swelling of the breasts nipples fluids on the breast.


4.           Visual disturbance, some women may become sleepy.


5.           Impaired judgment careless mistakes especially during secretary phase.


6.           Increased activity of the skin


·              Increased amount of vaginal discharge and


·              Increased frequency of micturation.


·              Nervous tension, irritability, depression.


7.           Craving for salty and sweet things.


8.           Digestive disturbances e.g. epigastric discomfort, heartburn and constipation.




Analgesic, reduced sodium in diet, avoidance of caffeine and stress – activities e.g. walking, emotional support,and heat therapy, in severe cases refer (physician).