Internal Organs - Male Reproductive System
1. The Testes
The testes are the male reproductive glands (Gonads), equivalent to the female ovaries. They are formed in the fetal abdomen at the lumber region just below the kidneys at about 28th week of gestation. The testes descend into the scrotum via the right and left inguinal canal, toward the end of pregnancy. They are suspended by spermatic ducts. The testis is ovoid in shape & white in colour.
Size: 4-4.5cm long, 2.5cm wide 3cm thick and 10-14gm ormore in weight, depending on the heftiness of the individual man structure. Each testis is surrounded by 3 coverings of glandula tissue.
1. Tunica Vaginalis: This is the thick outer covering and is adouble fold of a down growth of the abdominal and pelvic peritoneum brought down with the descending testis when it descends. The visceral layer surrounds the testes while the parietal lines the Germaters muscle.
2. Tunica Albuginea: This is a fibrous tissue coat surroundingthe testes under the vaginalis. Ingrowths of albuginea form septa dividing the glandular tissue into 200-400 lobules. Each contains convulated seminiferous tubules lined with germinal epithelium which produce sperm (Spermatogenesis) from puberty. Surrounding the tabula are connective tissue stroma which contains cluders dendox cells (Leydig cells) cells which secrete testosterone.
3. Tunica Vasculosa: This consists of network of capillariessupported by delicate connective tissues. They surround each lobule of the testes. The testes must be kept below body temperature in order to function properly, hence they are situated outside the body. Inflammation of the testis is known as Ochitis.
Cryptorchidism: Complete failure of the testes to descend into thescrotum. Such testes are destroyed due to high body temperature.
2. The Epididymis
This is a fine convoluted tubule about 6 metre in length connecting the testis and the vas defense. It is found at the posterior aspect of the testis. It produces substance which stimulates the development of the sperm. The sperms are stored here to become mature and motile
3. Vas Deferens
A continuation of the epididymis, commences at the tail and, passes upwards behind the testis through the inguinal canal and ascends medially towards the posterior wall of the bladder; enter the pelvic cavity where it connects with the seminal duct. These are the tubes ligated during vasectomy; it is about 450cmlong. The vas deferens duct is surrounded by smooth muscle the peristaltic contraction of the smooth muscle tissue help propel sperm cells through the duct.
4. Seminal Vesicles
These are small irregular Pyramid shaped sacs lying between the base of the bladder and the rectum. They are about 5cm long. They are composed of columnar epithelium, muscle and fibrous tissues. They secrete yellowish fluids which is an essential component of seminal fluid. Each vesicle opens into the seminal duct which joins the vas deferens on the corresponding side of the ejaculatory duct. The fluid contains fructose and other nutrients to nourish the sperm. Forms nutrients to nourish the sperm constitute about 60% of the semen and give it its co lour.
5. Ejaculatory Ducts
They are two small muscular ducts about 2cm long. Pass through the prostate gland and connects with the vas deferens and opens into the urethra. They carry the spermatozoa and seminal fluid to the urethra.
6. Prostate Gland
Is a cone shaped structure, about the size of a walnut.4cm long, 3cm wide, 2cm deep and 8g in weight. It lies below the bladder, surrounding the upper part of the urethra in direct contact with the neck of bladder. It is composed of glandular tissue and involuntary (Columnar epithelium) muscle enclosed in fibrous capsule. It secretes alkaline fluid which makes up 30% of semen. It is added to the sperm, and the muscle fiber aids ejaculation of the sperm. The fluid neutralizes the acidity of the vagina during intercourse. It gives the characteristic odour. Enlargement of prostate gland in old men causes urine retention.
7. Cowper’s Glands (Bulbo Urethral Glands)
They are two small glands about the size of a cowpea, yellow in colour and lie below the prostate gland. The ducts about 3cm long open into the urethra before reaching the penile portion. The secretion is alkaline in nature and is added to the seminal fluids and also help to lubricate the penis during sexual activities.
8. The Urethra
Is a tube, about 8 cm long, travels from the bladder to the tip of the penis. Urine passes through it as well as a passage for semen during sexual intercourse. The muscle at the neck of the bladder closes it up to prevent semen from entering the bladder during sexual intercourse.