Importance of fish cultivation

 Importance of fish cultivation 

Importance of fish cultivation: Ones upon a time the inhabitants of the villagewere called fish and rice eating Bangalees. But now a days that proverb does not suit because the production of fishes is not in harmony with the population growth. It is necessary to consume 4 gram of protein per head. To meet the protein demand, it is necessary to produce annually 26 lac tons of fishes in our country. But due to the construction of man-made houses, many canals, jheels, ponds etc. are covered up and because of unplanned capture of fishes; the production of fishes has been decreasing to a greater extent. Protein food is one of the major elements of balanced diets which compensates the loss of vitality in the body and helps in growth and provides energy. About 80% of animal protein and requisite vitamins comes from fish. We can compensate the deficit of protein through increasing fish production by culture. We can meet the demand of fishes to a greater extent through reclamation of the derelict ponds of our country and cultivating fishes there. Everybody should recognize the importance of fish cultivation. Effective measures from the Government have been taken at present to cultivate fishes by using modern technology as to increase the production. Many people are cultivating fishes individually. Besides, even in town many people are rearing Shinghi, Magur, and African magur, Telapia etc in small tanks in their lawns and on the roof of their houses.