Importance of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

 Importance of Aerobic Respiration: 

1.    Energy produced in this process is utilised by living beings to perform all sorts of reaction and other functions.


2.        CO2, released in this process is utilised directly or indirectly in photosynthesis and produces carbohydrate food.


3.        This process helps plants in absorption of water, which indirectly keeps running growth and other organic processes.


4.        Organic acid that produces in respiration is necessary for other organic activities, Respiratory energy also heps cell divinion.


Importance of Anaerobic respiration :


1.     Some Bacteria cannot live in presence of oxygen. Among them the only process of producing energy is anaerobic respiration.


2.     In this process Ethyl alcohol is produced, industries, which is used in different industries.


3.  The process is utilised in Lactic Acid fermentation.