Different kinds of Flower

 Different kinds of Flower:                

If we examine various flowers surrounding us it will be seen that all the flowers are not alike. Like colour and smell they have many variations in their structure too. A description about this is given below:


(A) According to completeness:


1. Complete Flower: A flower that possesses all the five whorls is said to be acomplete flower. Datura, China-rose etc. are complete flowers.

2. Incomplete flowre : A flower is said to be an incomplete flower that doesnot have all the five whorls. Lau, Kumra, shasha, jhinga etc. are incomplete flowers. In these flowers either male or female whorl is absent.



(B) According to sex argan :


1.      Bisexual flower: Flowers, which bear both male and female whorl(Androecium and Gynoecium), are called Bisexual flowers. Datura China-rose, Brassica (Sharisha) etc. are bisexual flowers.


2.    Unisexual flower: Flowers, which have either male or female whorl, arecalled unisexual flowers. Flower that bear only female whorl is called female flower and flower that bears only male whorl is called male flower. In plants like lau (Bottle Gourd), Kumra (Gourd), Jhinga (Luffa) etc. male and female flowers are grown separately in the same plant.


(C) According to Regularity of Organ:


1. Regular Flower: Flowers in which the members of each whorl are similar inshape and size called regular flower. e.g. Datura, Brassica, Hibiscus (China-rose) etc.


3. Irregular flower: A flower having member of each whorl (especially calyxand corolla) dissimilar in size and shape is called irregular flower. pisum (Motor), Clitoria (Aparajita), Beans (Shim), etc. are irregular flowers.


(D) According to Symmetry:


1. Symmetric Flower: A flower, which may be cut into two equal halves byone or more vertical plane passing through the center of the flower is called a smymetric flower. Symmetrical flowers are of two types: -


(i) Zygomorphic: Flowers, which may be cut into two equal halves by onlyone vertical plane passing through the center of the flower is called Zygomorphic flower e.g. pisum, Beans, Clitoria etc.

(ii) Actinomorphic : Flowers, whcih may be cut into two equal halves by morethan one vertical plane passing through the center of the flower, is called actinomophic flower. e.g Datura, Hibiscus, Brassica etc.


2. Asymmetric Flower: Flowers, which cannot be cut into two equal halves byany vertical planes is called asymmetric `flower. Canna (Kalabati) flower is an asymmetric flower.

(E) According to Presence of Bracts:


1. Bracteate Flower: Flowers, which have bract or bracts at its base is calledbracteate flower, e.g. Crotalaria (Atoshi).


2. Ebracteate Flower: Flowers, which have no bract at the base is calledebracteate flower. In Brassica flower there is no bract.


A bract is a small leaf or leaf like organ in the axils of which arise flowers.


(F) According to the position of Ovary:


1. Hypogynous flower: A flower in which Calyx, Corolla and Androecium liesbeneath the ovary is called hypogynous flower. Flowers of Datura, Hibiscus, Brassica, Solanum, and Chili etc. are hypogynous flowers.


2. Epigynous flower: A flower in which Calyx, Corolla, and Androecium are placed above the ovary is called epigynous flower. Flowers of lau (Lagenaria), Kumra (Cucurbita), Jhinga (Luffa) etc are examples of epigynous flowers.


3. Perigynous flower: A flower in which Calyx, Corolla and Androecium areplaced around the ovary is called perigynous flower. The thalamus of perigynous flower is cup shaped and the ovary is placed in the concave center of the thalamus, e.g. Rose. ovary is placed in the concave center of the thalamus, e.g. Rose.