Demonstration of cell-to-cell osmosis by Potato Osmoscope

 Demonstration of cell-to-cell osmosis by Potato Osmoscope: 

Requirements: A large potato, a small bowl, water, sugar solution. knife. 

Procedure: Take a bowl half filled with water. Peeled off the potato and cut itat two ends and make a hole at one end. Make the hole half filled with sugar solution and keep the potato in water of the bowl in such a way that the potato: hole remains above the water surface. The solution level in the hole is marked. The whole experimental set is kept for some time.


Observation: After some time it will be seen that the water level in the potatohas increased.


Conclusion: There is water outside the potato while in the hole there is sugarsolution. The cell wall of potato is permeable and the cell membrane is semipermiable. The solvent (water) from outside has passed through many cells and enters into the hole. According to the condition described above the process of entrance of water from outside to inside is known as osmosis. As water has passed through so many cells, to reach the cavity/hole the process thus termed as cell-to-cell osmosis.