Cloth producing plants

 Cloth producing plants: 

Soft fibers are used for making thread by whichcloths are produced. Cotton, jute etc. are fibre-yielding plants. Five plants of this kind are described below:

1. Cotton (Gossypium sp.):  generally KARPAS Cotton is known as cotton. In cultivation this plant is an annual plant. Plant attains a height of 3-4 feet. Seeds develop inside the fruit and cotton fibre borne on the outer surface of the seed coat. For this reason cotton is called surface fibre. The silk cotton (Shimul Tula) develops in the inner surface of the fruit wall, not on the seed coat.

Uses: It is used in making thread and different kinds of cotton clothes

2. Jute (Corchorus sp.):Jute plant is an annual herb. Its stem is slender andusually without any branches, leaves are simple. In Bangladesh two species of jute are cultivated. One is Tosha (Corchorus olitorius), the fibre which is golden in colour, fruits are long, and seeds are blue, and usually cultivated in high lands. Another one is white jute or Suti-pat (Corchorus capsularis) - the fibre of which is white, fruit round shaped, seeds are brown and usually cultivated in lowlands. Fibre originates from the bark of the stem thus from the secondary phloem tissue. This kind of fiber is called bast fibre.


Uses: Jute is used in making twine, sackcloth, gunny bags, carpet etc.


3. Mesta:  Mesta  is  an  annual  herbaceous plant. It attains a height of 10-15 feet. Flower is large and yellow in colour. Bast fibres are collected from the bark of the stem.


Uses: Mesta fibre is used in making carpets,coarse cloths etc.


4. Sunn Hemp (Crotalaria juncea):It is anannual plant. Stem is usually 6-10 feet in height. Flowers are yellow and Papilionaceous. Fruits are more or less like a balloon. The bast fibres collected from the bark of the stem.


Uses: The fibre is used in making coarsecloths, canvas, curtain-cloths, tissue paper, cigarette paper etc.


5. Bamboo (Bambusa sp):Bamboo is aperenniel long tree like plant. By chemical process Rayon - an artificial thread is prepared from bamboos. Because abundance growth of bamboos in Chittagong the Rayon mill has been established there.

Uses: It is used in making different kinds of cloth. Besides bamboo is one ofthe most important sources of paper pulp.