Castes(various types) of bees

 Castes of bees:

 In a hive or in the residence of bees these are three kinds ofbees having different structure and function.


a)      Queen bee


b)       Male or king bee


c)       Worker bee


These three kinds of bees live together in the hive and do their own work independently:


a) Queen bee: The queen is larger than the other bees. Laying eggs is the onlyfunction of the queen and she lays about 1500 eggs per day. Their life span is of three years. Each hive contains only one active queen bee. If any new queen is born in the hive, the old queen kills her by stinging.


b) Male or king bees: In a hive there may be a few male bees which take partin reproduction only. They are sting less and they do not collect honey.

c) Worker bees: As a matter of fact, they are female bees but they are sterileand do not lay eggs. Their function is to collect honey, to look after the king, queen and larvae and to defend the hive from the enemies by stinging, to do overall supervision of the combs. They clean the chambers of the comb and produce new chambers by secreting wax from the body. Adult workers collect honey, pollen grains from the flowers to flowers and store in the comb. The workers pollinate flowers indirectly when they roam about at the time of collecting honey and pollen grains. Due to pollination by bees, it is possible to produce many crops. and the production of many crops increases by 20-25%.