Treatment of Cerebral Palsy

 Treatment :

There is no magical remedy or a surgery for cases of cerebral palsy. However, one should not be discouraged with this fact. One has to accept the reality and start special training from the day of diagnosis. Early diagnosis is a must. The training given to small children below age of 5 years, is called early intervention. Considering the exact damage to the child, combination therapy of following different therapists is advocated.

a)        Developmental physiotherapist.

b)       Child physiotherapist.

c)        Speech therapist and audiologist.

d)       Occupational therapist.

e)        Special teacher.

f)         Additionally, an orthopedic surgeon, eye specialist and neurologist as and when required. Tizanidine, Dantrolene are also used.

g)        In selected cases, some minor-major surgery is also offered to lengthen or strengthen the limb etc. Thus the aim of this training and treatment is

·           Independence in the, daily living/activities

·           Social acceptance-

·           Educational achievement

·           Economical independence i.e. self earning