The diseases of the brain and the nervous system related to AIDS are divided into five parts

 1.        Brain encephalitis, herpes simplex, varicella zoster, AIDS dementia complex (memory disorder), diseases of the metabolism of the brain, TB of the brain, lymphoma, toxoplasmosis, P.M.L, abscess, syphilis of the brain, fungal infection of the brain etc. can cause extensive damage, by direct infection of brain.

2.        Edema of the spinal cord called myelitis, myelopathy etc. can occur, which can hamper the movements of the patient.

3.        Infections in the membranes of the brain (meningitis) resulting in meningitis. These infections can be due to organisms of TB, syphilis, fungus, and can cause unconsciousness, seizures or paralysis.


4.        Damage to the nerves of the nervous system result in neuritis caused by infectious organisms like Herpes etc. This may result in burning sensation in the legs, walking disability, pain etc.

5.        Polymyositis and other such muscle related diseases in which the muscles become weak.

Therefore, AIDS can cause disorders in organs ranging from the lymph glands to neurological system, though diseases related to the heart are seen in less proportion in AIDS patients.