Symptoms of Brain Tumors

 Symptoms :

The symptoms of brain tumors worsen gradually, depending upon the quality, location, size, and type of tumor as well as the severity of the accompanying edema.

1.        Increased Intracranial pressure: Increase in the size of the tumor increases the pressure inside the skull (a fixed vault) as well as on the brain, causing symptoms like headache on both sides, nausea-vomiting, blackouts, uneasiness and diplopia. All cases of headache do not indicate brain tumor, only in 1 % of the cases, the cause of headache is brain tumor. But if a healthy individual starts experiencing headaches of increasing intensity, it is essential to get examined by a specialist.

2.        The symptoms of brain tumor depend upon the location of the tumor. Therefore there can be a gradual increase of paralysis, speech loss, memory loss or lack of body co-ordination. In some patients there is only a behavioural or a personality change, or loss of bowel or bladder control :

3.        Seizures or unconsciousness can also be an important symptom especially if it is accompanied by headache or paralysis; if so immediate investigations are necessary.

4.        Sometimes a je,prrjage in the tumor can create an emergency situation for the patient. Usually, only if there is more than one of the above symptoms, the possibility -of a brain tumor in the patient is high.