Side-effects caused by medicines of Parkinsonism

 Side-effects caused by medicines of Parkinsonism :

The drugs for this stubborn disease also have to be taken lifetime, -and therefore, it is wise to note the side- effects.

(i) T.H.P.H. (Padtane) :

This medicine is problematic for patients of more than 65 years of age. It is a known fact that this drug can cause retention of urine, confusion, memory defects etc. Therefore, this medicine is usually given to patients before age of 60 years, who do not have problems of prostrate.

(ii)  Levodopa - Carbidopa :

This drug famous as Sinemet, Tidomet, Syndopa etc. is the basic drug for Parkinsonism. But the patients with heart trouble need to use this medicine cautiously. While on this medicine, it happens quite often that the patient may try to get up suddenly and fall adown due to sudden drop of blood pressure; this is known as postural hypotension. Long-term use causes abnormal movements of the limbs called dyskinesia, dystonia and chorea. If this happens the medicine has to be given in a different form, changed or eventually surgery has to be resorted to.

(iii) Amantidin :

Originally used for influenza; accidentally in 1934 it was discovered that it is also beneficial in Parkinson’s disease. It has been proved very effective drug again and again. But it can also cause side - effects like skin diseases in the feet (Livedoreticularis), heart problems, swelling in legs, mental confusion, depression etc. and therefore the medicine has to be discontinued off and on.

(iv) Bromocriptin :

This. is an effective medicine but if taken in’ excessive dose nausea-vomiting, low BP etc can occur and long term usage causes confusion, hallucination, swelling of legs, redness and other such peculiar problems.

Latest medicines like Pramipexole, Ropinirole, Tolcapone,Entacapone, etc have lesser side effects and are comparatively more effective. But they are not yet manufactured in our country and are therefore expensive. Long term side effects are yet to be ascertained, as these drugs have not been around for a long period. Ropinirole is now available in India.