Phylum Platyhelminthes - Collecting Biology Specimens


Phylum Platyhelminthes de ning characteristic is that their bodies are dorso-ventrally attened and most are parasitic and feed o other organisms. This phylum is divided into three classes: Trematoda (Flukes), Cestoda (Tapeworms), and Turbellaria.

1.           Class Trematoda or ukes (minyoo bapa) are parasitic. They are at and use suckers to feed.

2.           Class Cestoda or tapeworms (minyoo yenye pingili) are at, tape-like and have segmented or divided bodies. They are parasitic and use suckers and hooks to feed. Tapeworms live in the human intestines and a ect humans by absorbing partly digested food. They can cause disease as well as malnutrition.

3.           Class Turbellaria are  at and have cilia which help them move.


Flukes can be collected when a cow, pig, or sheep is slaughtered by examining the liver or intestines. There are some species of atworm that can be found in shallow tide pools along the beach.


Organisms in Phylum Platyhelminthes can be kept in labelled air-tight con-tainers with formaldehyde solution.


Place the Platyhelminthes into a formaldehyde solution.


You can observe the unbranched gut of a Plathelminthes by making a lateral cut along the body and observing the internal structure of the organism.