Phylum Annelida: Earthworms (Chambo) and Leeches (Ruba) - Collecting Biology Specimens
Earthworms (Chambo) and Leeches (Ruba)
Phylum Annelida are eukaryotic organisms. Earthworms have a mouth at their anterior end and anus at the posterior end with a bulge called a clitellum in the middle that holds eggs. The earthworm uses bristles (small hair like structures) to burrow through the dirt.
The following are the features of the Phylum Annelida:
1. They are segmented. They have separate internal organs and body walls.
2. They have a thin, moist, non-chitinous cuticle.
3. Their body has external bristles.
Earthworms can be found after a rain by digging under rocks or in other damp places. Leeches can be found in a river.
You can keep earthworms in a container with fresh soil to preserve live spec-imens. If killed, these organisms can be preserved in ethanol alcohol for a few months.
Place the Annelida into a closed bottle in which is suspended a ball of cloth or mosquito net soaked in methylated spirits. Avoid direct contact with the spirit
You can observe the internal structures of an earthworm by making a lateral cut along the body.