How the AIDS spreads?

 How the AIDS spreads?

1.        By heterosexual or homosexual intercourse. 

2. Transfusion of the blood of an AIDS patient to a normal person.

3.        Mothers suffering from HIV can transmit the disease to her fetus during pregnancy in 30 to 40% of the cases.

4.        By the needle of the injection, syringe and other operative instruments.

5.        If a normal person uses a needle used by an AIDS person, addicted to intravenous drug abuse, the infection can easily spread.

6.        There are many misconceptions that are still prevalent in our society regarding AIDS. For example, AIDS can be transmitted by staying with a patient, shaking hands, playing, eating etc. All these notions are only myths. It is very necessary that an AIDS patient is not isolated but socially accepted with warmth.