Coping with Mental and Physical Stress

 1. Regular Meditation :Meditation can be done in manyways. Patanj al Raj yoga meditation, mantra chanting, prekshadhyana, vipashyana, concentration on breathing, praptidhyana, chanting of “Om”, staying quiet for a period of time (sadhumauna), progressive relaxation techniques etc. are various methods of meditation. Meditation is the best medicine for stress and it is advisable to practice it daily. It is a must during, stressful situations. It is advisable to do meditation for 30 minutes daily.


2. Pranayam :Breathing exercises are very effective instressful condition and can be considered one of the best ways to protect against stress.


3. Exercise :Walking, running, aerobic exercises,gymnastics, yoga, sports, swimming etc. done in proper way regularly can reduce stress. Such exercises can be done from S minutes to 40 minutes. These should be done at least 4 to 5 times in a week. Shorter exercises can also be done for 2 to 5 minutes during work e.g. rotating the neck, exercises of the hand and the wrist, facial exercises, or climbing two to three steps after — every few hours.

4. Bio - feedback :Progressive relaxation, laughtertherapy, focusing attention, vipashyana, self-hypnosis, systematic desensitization, etc. are also very beneficial. This is a scientific fact.

5. Changes in the diet :Nutritious food, high proteins,fruits, adequate breakfast and fibrous foods help relieve tension. Vitamins as well as anti-oxidants taken in proper proportion can prove very advantageous. Fatty, spicy or very hot food, as well as fast foods can be harmful. The idiom “you are what you eat” is absolutely true in this context.


6. If necessary, help from doctor or a professional should be taken. Various courses are available to relieve stress like art of living, siddha samadhi yoga, forum etc., which are very beneficial. Actually, everyday, a self assessment is an important tool to achieve the target of stress control.