Causes of Stress

 Causes of Stress :

There are different stress-causing factors and situations for different people.

A. Personal and Family Causes :

i.               Difference of opinion among the family members


ii.               The difference in life styles


iii.               Misunderstanding or jealousy


iv.               Fights for property


v.               Death or illness in the family


vi.               Financial problems


vii.               Problems due to children


viii.               Failure in love and marriage and


ix.               Marital problems.



B. Occupational and Career Related Problems :


i.               Excessive workload


ii.               Extremely high ambitions


iii.               Lack of opportunities, unemployment, limited income


iv.               Exams, interview, transfers, training


v.               Politics and corruption at work place


vi.               Difficulty in getting along with co-workers and


vii.               Lack of job/business satisfaction.


C)  Social Reasons :

i.               Poverty


ii.               Religious differences


iii.               Crime

iv.               People who have undergone an accident or witnessed one Personality type A, in which the individual is highly ambitious, competitive, proud or arrogant, can also create a stressful envirorirnent

v.               Birth, marriage, pregnancy, divorce, retirement, death and such other situations in life can also cause stress and

vi.               Along with this, modern lifestyle and the wish to stay ahead in the rat race of this modern world, can easily lead to stress and stress related diseases.


The methods to overcome and stay away from stress :

First of all, it is important to find out the factors, which are causing stress and try to get an appropriate solution with a calm mind. The symptoms of stress should be considered as a warning and immediate steps should be taken to alleviate them.